AntlerMax Savings!
Take advantage of AntlerMax Savings at Ark Country Store! We’ve got a great deal going on for both AntlerMax Deer 20 with Climate Guard and AntlerMax Deer 20 with Climate Guard & Weathershield. Good while supplies last.
? Deer 20 w/Climate Guard – $12.00/bag
? Deer 20 w/Climate Guard & Weathershield -$14.00/bag
ANTLERMAX® DEER 20 FEED is a researched 20% ration, with the addition of new Climate Guard™ supplement, specifically reformulated for what free range deer requires to support overall health, reproductive performance and antler growth.
ANTLERMAX® PELLETS – For the development of optimal antler size and mass. Provides for a high intake of high-quality proteins including AntlerMax® By-Pass Protein technology that delivers high concentrations of amino acids needed by the growing antler. Helps develop deer with exceptional body size. High-quality protein helps maintain muscle to support body growth. OPTIMUM LEVELS OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS – Helps promote antler growth, density, and strength. Optimum levels of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamin D. Contains proprietary AntlerMax® Mineral Technology including organic trace minerals for replenishing depleted bone material stores used during antler mineralization. SUPPLEMENTS POOR OR SPARSE FORAGE – So deer can maintain vigor during periods of environmental nutritional stress HIGH PALATABILITY – Enhanced with flavoring to attract deer to the feed so they receive the benefit of a balanced diet.
CLIMATE GUARD™ SUPPLEMENT – Encourages feeder visits to provide the nutrition needed to support weight gain and body condition* – Comprised of high-quality ingredients that support rumen function, gut health and optimal nutrient utilization – Supports digestibility of starch in the small intestine – Helps reduce the consequences of oxidative stress. Powerful plant-based ingredients help maintain feed intake, comfort and helps sustain weight gain during climatic stress events, like hot weather.