Ark Country Store

Horse » Omolene #400™ Complete Advantage Horse Feed

omolene #500 competition horse feed-

Omolene #400™ Complete Advantage Horse Feed

For competition and breeding horses with roughage built-in . . . Purina® Omolene #400™ Horse Feed contains the Purina® Amplify® Nugget, a patented, high fat, extruded particle that contains a proprietary blend of vegetable oils, flax seed and rice bran for an optimal fatty acid profile. It also contains a high amount of loose beet pulp shreds as an excellent source of fermentable fiber for slow release energy. Omolene #400™ Horse Feed contains no barley, oats or alfalfa making it ideal for horses that are heave prone or allergic to dust and mold found in hay and other foodstuffs.

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