Ark Country Store

Bryant Steel Cut Corn Chops

Bryant Grains Steel Cut Corn Chops Bag

Bryant Grain Company uses high quality grains that are tested to meet our high standards.  These quality grains are processed over three layers of screens. This is done to remove foreign material larger than the grain (cobs, stems, etc.) and particles smaller than the grain (fines, etc.). Finally the screened grain is passed through an air stream. This is done to further remove fines, light weight dust and chaff which may have rolled over the screens.  The result is a clean, high quality grain product for your livestock mixing or feeding purposes.

Available in a 50 lb bag.

Stop into Ark Country Store located in Waxahachie, Texas for your supply of cattle feed and supplements. Have questions? Contact us and a helpful member of our staff will assist you in finding the right feed and supplements for your herd. Proudly serving Ellis County and surrounding areas.